Life Saving CommitmentWayside Waifs is committed to leading the way to end the euthanasia of adoptable animals in Kansas City. To achieve this goal, Wayside Waifs transitioned from an Open Admissions Shelter* to a Limited Admissions Shelter** in 2006. Making this change has allowed us to have a more personal relationship with the people and animals we serve. We are able to talk to the public about the issues they are experiencing that makes them feel surrendering their pet is the best option. We focus on educating the public and providing resources to pet owners to correct problem behaviors. Our goal is to provide pet owners the right tools to keep the pet in the home with the family. However, when keeping the animal is not an option, we schedule a surrender appointment for the animal, or recommend other available alternatives in the community. All animals entering our shelter are given a medical and behavior assessment. In most cases, animals who are surrendered by their owners are evaluated for adoption at the time of intake. This provides the pet owner with an instant answer about whether their pet can be admitted to our adoption program. If the animal cannot be evaluated at the time of intake or fails the evaluation, the owner is made aware of their options: The owner can take the animal home, and we will provide the pet owner with information and tools to work on the issues of concern. The pet owner may then bring the animal back for evaluation at a mutually agreed upon date. The owner may leave the animal at the shelter for three days, giving the animal time to acclimate and adjust. We will re-evaluate the animal after the third day and inform the owner, who wishes to be notified, if the animal is not going to be a candidate for our adoption program. The owner then has the option to come and reclaim the pet. Animals that are deemed to be un-adoptable will be humanely euthanized unless the owner reclaims the animal. The owner can sign the animal over for humane euthanasia if the animal has severe medical issues with poor prognosis, or other issues that are beyond our capabilities and resources to treat. Animals come into our shelter as: Definitions: |